Natural Weight Loss and Success Coach for Women Over 40

The no diet plan, no will power, effortless path to natural weight loss and authentic abundance for ambitious women

Staying healthy over 40 now more than ever has it’s own set of unique challenges that requires an individualized approach that also addresses stress and trauma.

Work with Sandy in the comfort of your own home anywhere in the world. Your most comfortable attire is highly encouraged.


Say goodbye to the emotional roller coaster of peri-menopause and menopause. These are NOT normal and CAN be fixed.


Let go of self-sabotage and yo-yo dieting to successfully achieve your health and weight loss goals.


Develop healthier coping mechanisms outside of alcohol, gummies, binging and scrolling. You deserve SO much better.


Quit putting everyone else first. Know that it’s safe and it’s necessary to put your needs first. Your relationships with thrive because of it, not in spite of it.


You’re a high achiever. You’re busy.  You can become more relaxed, doing less yet achieve MORE. Recover your sanity and your health simply by releasing past stress and trauma.

About Sandy

After over 20 years of working with clients one-on-one, I am an expert at finding the mysterious causes for long-term chronic health concerns, addictive habits, and letting go of stubborn weight for successful women who want to love what they see in the mirror, even if they have struggled their whole lives with this issue.

I have a best selling course on DailyOM, Healing Subconscious Blocks to Weight Loss, am the author of the book, Eat Like A Goddess: The Secret Recipe to End Food Obsession and Lose Weight without Trying and am a long time professional Chef and Certified Nutritionist who specializes in ancestral diets and functional medicine nutrition.

I’m deeply passionate about you and your inner healing. I want to see you THRIVE, feel amazing in your body, have time and energy for yourself and your needs, and create major change in the world.

Did you know that when women feel GOOD about themselves and in their bodies they are more likely to step out into leadership? When we struggle with what to eat, poor digestion, cravings, low energy, and our mood Is up and down as well as have chronic health issues we aren’t able to get out there and start that new business, create healthier relationships, feel supportive of other women and be the force of nature we are meant to be in our communities. I want you to feel more peace, health, and love for yourself so you can be the love and peace that is healing in our world today. When women feel good in their bodies, the whole world heals. Yep, we are that important to our family and society.

And to do that…you’ve got to feel authentically GOOD within. But when we don’t like how we feel every day or get down on ourselves and hate our bodies, it’s a challenge.

You want to have more peace and freedom in your body and you need an experienced wellness expert to support you in enacting an individualized nutritional plan while also helping you to release stress, trauma, or sabotage that is getting in the way.

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(because we know it doesn’t work)

In my 25+ years in the wellness industry, I have learned one thing: true healing should be natural and relatively effortless when we are on target with the cause.


It all begins here.


Success Stories

“No longer counting calories and weight just stays off… I never thought this was even possible!”

Before I started working with Sandy I had two modes: binge and restrict. When I was being “good” I tracked all of my food as I had for almost 20 years and restricted my intake to 23 weight watchers points a day, which never felt like enough. When I was being “bad” I wouldn’t track anything and I would eat as much as a could, sneaking treats I didn’t even want. If I went to a party most of my focus was on what I was going to eat, how much or little, if I was going to “be careful” or “let go”. I took for granted that I needed to do this to control my weight and it was exhausting. 

It miraculous to me that I have now gone a couple of months without tracking any food and also without overeating. I am eating like a “normal” person.  I eat what I want, if I feel like having chips or chocolate I do and it is no big deal and I want them less than I did. I no longer want to eat until I feel really full. I don’t panic if I am hungry. Most days I don’t need a snack between meals. And I have actually lost weight…. I never thought that was possible without  monitoring everything that went into my mouth. 

Beyond that, Sandy helped me see that so many of the things I thought about myself were actually not true, and were limiting my happiness. She helped me see that the dieting cycle was actually the cause of why I would gain weight in the first place. It’s like all of the charge has been taken out of food for me, and now it’s just food, I feel safe around it, I can trust myself with it, and I actually don’t think about it that much. For me after a lifetime of obsessing over food that feels like magic, and freedom!

Another change I have noticed is my ability to relax and enjoy downtime, I used to think of food or alcohol as my release, and I had a hard time relaxing if I had an hour or two to myself, feeling like I needed to be productive, and I was uncomfortable sitting with those feelings so would turn to food or drinking.  Working with Sandy shifted this, and now I can sit on the couch and read a book and feel peaceful and calm in a way I couldn’t achieve before without guilt.  Because I can relax on my own I don’t need to numb out with wine or food.  I used to have a really strong craving for a drink in the afternoons to relax and now I don’t even think about it.

JM, Marin County, CEO 

“Lost 4 pounds in the past two weeks, no cravings… first time in 10 YEARS! Amazing.”

“It’s funny but I just realized that I haven’t been eating at all at night now or having my normal cravings during the day and oh, a side note- I lost 4 lbs in the last two weeks. I haven’t had no cravings or been able to lose weight without thinking about it like this in 10 years!!! And I didn’t even realize it because I’ve been so NOT focused on food or my body the last few weeks. Amazing. You are right. It isn’t about the food at all, it’s about everything else…”


“I never thought it would really be possible for me to STOP focusing on food… but I HAVE”

“I always thought there would have to be a charge around food, or it would always be difficult but I would just get better at handling it. That was my goal. When you said “no, it doesn’t have to be this way at all” I didn’t believe it, but now after working with you I can have something and not feel guilty about it and food just isn’t an issue in my life. I don’t spend my whole day focused on thinking about food, I think about ok, what is next for me. Which is my dreams and my business…. and how I was holding myself back in a MAJOR way. Now I’m in action, I’m doing it and in a way that works for me.”


Relationship and Success Coach

Find Peace with Food and Your Body Today

Schedule a free 30- Minute Call with me to find more peace, emotional freedom, and feel amazing in your body now.

Apply for a Natural Weight loss Assessment Call