Work with Sandy

Find peace with food, your body, and life.

This customized one-on-one program is designed to heal your relationship with food, your weight and reconnect your own intuitive ability to create lasting results.

Dear Friend,

Do you dream of having:


Freedom from a daily struggle of what to eat, fear of "good" vs. "bad" foods, calorie counting, worry over weight gain and constant hunger or cravings


More energy, motivation, and to feel more alive and youthful than you have in many years without chronic health concerns holding you back


A release of chronic stress and anxiety so you can tap into your own spiritual GPS and intuitive guidance to live the life you love

But you might be feeling overwhelmed, stuck, and frustrated right now.

Your diet, supplements and alternative methods from nutritionists and naturopathic practitioners is NOT consistently getting results for you.  In fact, these efforts are not doing much for you at all but waste time and money and you are starting to think it doesn’t work, or you don’t work! You’re working too hard for nothing and you’re tired of spending so much time focused on your body and your health. Maybe you’re sick of fighting off cravings, or never having energy, having chronic stomach pain or gut issues to wanting to take off weight. You know it’s only going to get harder if you keep living this way and this feels URGENT for you to resolve, like yesterday!

I know what you’re going through, and you’re not alone! I’ve helped hundreds of  women over the last 20 years just like you to radically shift their health by elevating their mood, energy, and healing chronic digestive complaints and love living in their bodies again, yes at ANY AGE. In fact many of my clients are over 50. 

Most of all I help them find their inner spiritual GPS so they can live a life they LOVE even if they have felt down and defeated for many years.

It’s Time.

Heal your body heal your life


What’s Included in Your Total Transformation Program


We begin with a full health history initial consultation to dive deep into your unique history and wellness path. 

Let’s get your body and your life back!

  • 90-minute In-Depth Full Health Intake, Stress, and Trauma History
  • Individual Health, lifestyle, and Dietary Recommendations
  • Individualized Supplements and/or Protocol Recommendations
  • Optional Functional Nutrition Lab Work Recommendations

Functional Nutrition Lab Work May Include: Full Adrenal Hormone Panels, Adrenal and Sex Hormone Panels, Full Thyroid panels, GI-Map, Nutritional Markers, Age Management Panels, Food and Inhalant Allergy Panels, Methylation Panels and other recommended blood work per individual needs and recommendations.

“I’m finally done binging!”

“I have been totally obsessed with food and ate sugar every day for most of my life.  All the need for sweets is GONE. I feel… so free… and peaceful it is simply amazing. I realize now how much power I have over my reality. All of the same situations and people are in my life and I just feel different.”


Release Stress, Trauma, and Beliefs to Create Results that Last

With 20+ years of experience as a Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner, I have helped hundreds of people release subconscious blocks to getting results with their health and live with inspiration instead of will power.


Get results faster, with less struggle.

Areas of focus may include:

  • Unexplained back, neck and stomach or bodily pain or symptoms
  • Addictive habits and patterns with food or other substances
  • Body image and emotional eating habits
  • Stubborn weight that doesn’t seem to stay off
  • Reaching and attaining creative and work goals
  • Sexual trauma and relationship trauma or healing from past relationships
  • Moving forward in life after loss or challenges
  • Live by inspiration instead of will power and constant struggle with career or life purpose

Many of the clients who have worked with me consider me their “spiritual detective” with a laser sharp intuitive ability to see how to create change quickly and effectively even after a long period of feeling stuck.


I’ve had a lot of “aha” moments recently and began to take off the weight…

I did not change my diet, and the only difference from the previous weeks was that I’ve been more gentle with my body.


Peace with Food, Your Body, and Your Mind

It is possible to heal your body without extreme diets, excessive fitness routines, and beating your body into submission.

This is for you if:


You have a laundry list of health and nutrition questions and need expert guidance and are having trouble finding a skilled and effective practitioner to work with


You have a specific health concern you would like support with and want to dive deep into one on one


You need to address stress, overwhelm, and trauma and need help now


You need someone you trust to help you make decisions on what steps to take to recover your health, potential functional medicine testing recommendations, your individual dietary needs, and where you should focus to get results.

What is possible in your Two Month Total Transformation Program:

You are an individual. We start with a full health and stress history and intake that I have honed in working with hundreds of clients over 20+ years.

Next, we work with where you are NOW and what you need to get the fastest and most effortless results. Everyone is different and I never plug people into a system though all the pieces we work on are similar. Stress. Trauma. Clearing out the past. Addressing nutritional blocks. You name it, we do it over our time together as needed. This may include any or all of the following and to varying degrees: Release of primary stressors, overwhelm, some habit change/sabotaging beliefs, functional nutrition recommendations, assessment of lab work and results per individual need, dietary suggestions, and assessment, supplement recommendations and assessment.

***IMPORTANT*** Results are dependent on you and the desire you feel for change right now. In my past experience working with hundreds of clients the ONE thing that makes the biggest difference is you and your commitment to get lasting results. This is a co-creation where we both commit to show up and make some magic together.

Don’t wait any longer. Schedule a free call with me to discuss your goals and see if we are a match made in heaven.

“I’ve lost the weight and love looking in the mirror now”

“I can’t believe how scared I was to get started working with you.

This was so different than anything I’d tried before. I had out-of-control cravings when we started and now it’s a ZERO, even when I’m upset!

I’m consistently losing weight not from a “diet” but from eating the way I need to that feels right to me.

I’m not obsessing much or thinking about it, it’s just coming off.

Best of all I’m refocused on what is important to me in my life. I feel very positive instead of in a downward spiral with negative thinking. I even had this really bad victim way of thinking and the past kept repeating itself. Not anymore. I’m handling situations that would have totally thrown me off before, with a lot more ease.

I’m looking forward to what comes next instead of fearing moving forward in my life. My confidence is so much higher now. Thank you so much!”

Kalena, Texas

Hi, I’m Sandy and I got you.

I walk this path with you and here’s why:

I am SICK and TIRED of watching women ruin their health by trying endless diets and hit or miss programs that never work but worse leave them feeling like they don’t work!

Have you tried every diet and practitioner under the sun but still struggle with major health concerns? That isn’t right! It’s not supposed to be like that. You should be able to eat in a natural and even intuitive way, love how you feel when you wake up in the morning, without constant struggles with chronic issues. No, this is not “normal” aging in my opinion.

What is it you ask then?

In a word it’s stress. Often the old forgotten stuff we packed away and survived. This is a good thing! But now it is holding us back and we don’t even know why anymore, it just is. Besides this, stress and trauma for so many becomes trapped in our bodies expressing itself frequently as symptoms.

Patterns, old programs, beliefs and stress, can block forward motion.When it is removed and cleared out… suddenly there is inspired action that just never could have happened before in many cases. It feels like a miracle. 

What is truly unique about what I love doing with my clients is that we become a team in unpacking and resolving your unique story and history. So often we are simply removing or releasing with is in the way, in short- subconscious blocks and limiting beliefs instead of trying to create something.

Your body has a story. Are you ready to listen?

When we do we often find that we then have the courage to finally live a life we love where we live from inspiration instead of struggle and constant set backs. 


Restore Your Health Today

Schedule a free 30- Minute Call with me to find more peace, emotional freedom, and feel amazing in your body now.