Animal Communication and Healing

Our animal companions communicate with us.

Would you like to hear what they have to say?

What would you learn if you could communicate and heal the animals in your life?

If you’d like to know more about your pet, need insight into a concern, feel like they’re trying to tell you something, need help interpreting what they’re saying, or would like to find healing, you’ve come to the right place.

Our dog was out of pain for the first time in 3 weeks!

Our dog recently had eye surgery. For three weeks after the surgery, she could not get settled. She would roam around the yard and pant. She could not get comfortable and would pant and pace most of the night and all of the day. We searched with our medical team to try to calm her, but they could not find anything that would help. Blood tests could find nothing wrong. But she was apparently in pain and could not settle down, even after pain medication.

Sandy was able to connect with her long distance remotely and sensed that the pain was a result of energy blockage at her eyes from the surgery that needed to be released. After just one remote session of Sandy’s energy work to release energy from muscles, nerves and heart, our dog was able to actually sleep all night with no sign of discomfort…the first time in nearly 3 weeks!!

What medical efforts couldn’t do, Sandy’s energy intervention work could.

Now our dog once again consistently sleeps all night, is playful and shows no sign of pain. She now eats well, loves her walks and rolling in the grass while being her renewed happy and contented self again.

We can’t thank Sandy enough for her ability to provide relief and the release of harmful energy blockage. We would highly recommend Sandy for anyone who has a pet that is uncomfortable or may be out of sorts. Sandy truly has a gift!

John and Tricia H.
Military Officer and Teacher
Pleasanton California

How Does a Communication and Healing Session Work?

We have a unique and precious bond with our animal friends. We are communicating with them and they with us, whether we know it or not and there is MUCH to learn from them.

We are inextricably connected to the natural world around us and in relationship to all. What is our connection and relationship to the animals in our lives and how can we help them and be helped by them to grow?  I feel we are guardians rather than “owners” and owe ourselves  the gift of relationship and healing they can offer. Living in harmony is ultimately the goal. 

How we become ill is complicated. Healing should be simple.

I will communicate energetically with your beloved animal and ask many questions about how they are and what they need. This may include nutritional needs, emotional needs, and releasing trauma from the past.

You will receive direct information of what your pet wants to share with you. You do not need to be in the same room or place as your pet as they are communicating energetically.

Animal Communication and Healing Sessions happen in two parts:

Part One: Starts with YOU, the pet guardian. We will get on a call and I’ll ask specific questions about your animal and what you would like help with.

Part Two: The communication and healing session is done remotely. You do not need to be present. I work with your animal and as information comes through, I take notes and provide healing as necessary or requested by the animal.

After the Session: I will email you with notes and findings. You are then welcome to ask one round of questions.

The outcomes are profound. Giving a voice to your pet has a profound effect on my clients.

Ideas for Your Sessions

  • Is your animal happy, sad, in any pain?
  • Are there any ailments your animal has that are undiagnosed and need support?
  • Is your animal’s environment working for them? For example, does your horse have issues with the stall, tack, or other equipment?
  • Do they need a different diet?
  • Do they have allergies that you are having trouble fixing?
  • Is your animal expressing a specific behavior issue and what can you do to help?
  • Is there something in your life that your pet may have insight into?
  • Do you have an elderly animal and want to know if they are ready to cross over the rainbow bridge?
  • EFT tapping and healing for grief and loss during illness and a transition for your animal companion
  • Working on what our animal companions have to teach us about our own stress and healing

Important: Sandy cannot diagnose an illness your animal is experiencing and a session is not a replacement for veterinary care.

“She’s definitely moving better and her energy is lighter and happier! I am getting so many more tail wags and smiles. Thank you so much for helping her!! ❤️ Her pain seems much improved and she has these happy bursts of energy! She loves the food you recommended and is gobbling it up after being a very picky eater!”

Marianna Johns, Vet, Livermore, CA

Meet Sandy


I am certified in many techniques but after all this time, I simply look intuitively, listen, learn and do what I’m told to help heal. I know after working for so long in the field with animals that they will tell me what is needed. I check through a simple checklist (and some not so simple that probably will not make sense to many) and then just do what I see to do.

Important Note: I believe all healing and intuition is a natural birth right and comes from our creator. I feel we all can use our intuition and re-learn how to hear the natural world and animals communicate. Part of the joy of this work is seeing people develop and begin to trust their own intuition. Healing gifts also I believe come directly from our creator.

I do only what I can or am able. There is a time and a place for information I have found in working with people and their animal companions.

I cannot control outcomes and do not guarantee any specific result.

In distance work I form a connection with the animal to “find” them and then begin to communicate.

CERTIFICATIONS: Intuitive healing, certification over 40 years ago now, Dr. Bradley Nelson’s Body Code & Emotion Code, 17 years, Certified Advanced EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) Practitioner with over 25 years experience working with clients. Certified Nutrition Consultant, 20 years, Eating Disorders & Addiction Specialist (using functional nutrition for the brain chemistry of addiction and trauma support)

AREAS OF FOCUS: Intuition, Communication, Healing, Behavior Change and Training with Horses, “Diagnosing” or Finding the Problem when a pet suddenly falls ill, Healing Trauma. I do not communicate with animals once they pass away. I can however look at anything that may have been important that they wanted to express while here with you. I can tell you that the amount of love that comes across typically is truly the main thing expressed, though specific messages may also be important. I can also work with you for your own stress and pain when they are ill or when they pass for the grief using EFT- tapping.

“Sandy you saw exactly what happened when our cat had her stroke!

I can’t believe you could see all of that! We took all the steps you mentioned taking, which were not that hard but we didn’t know and she is so much better now. I sure hope she doesn’t have any other problems but this was so out of the blue that it made sense and you were totally right!”

James and Madison, San Francisco

Take Me to Your Barn

A health and wellness overhaul for you and your horse.

Let’s solve some of those problems with training you are having, heal stress, and find out what’s going on for you and your horse!

Ways we can work together:


You have a laundry list of health and nutrition questions and need expert guidance that is specific to your horse’s needs.


You have a specific health or behavioral concern you would like support with.


You would like to know if emotional stress or trauma is affecting your horse and receive energetic release work if necessary.


You want to know if your horse needs changes to their environment.

Important: This is not a substitute for training.

“I’m a little bit ashamed to say that I actually cried and cried as you worked on Franklin.

I cannot believe that the session released that much I’d been carrying this last year. Sounds funny but I didn’t even know how it was affecting him.

I thought the session was for him and it was! He is doing soooo much better, but it’s me who got more than I thought out of it. Thank you so much. I thought I would have to sell him because he couldn’t compete and now he can… what a shift. You are a miracle worker.”

Jeanette, Woodside, CA

Your Animal Is Ready to Communicate

25+ years experience. Certified Nutrition Consultant. Certified Advanced EFT Practitioner. Certified Body Code Practitioner. Intuitive Healer. Proven Results in the real world with animal clients and their guardians.

Schedule Your Session