Do you want to stop emotional eating or food cravings? Ever felt like you couldn’t stop eating sweets throughout the day? Find yourself in the fridge eating too much late at night and feel almost compelled and can’t stop? Wonder if you are an emotional eater?

Does it feel like every attempt at starting a new healthy diet plan is doomed to failure because of a need to over-eat those trigger foods?

You aren’t alone and emotional eating can sabotage the best laid plans to get healthy. It can be very frustrating.

So how do you stop emotional eating?

Awareness is important when it comes to understanding why there is a need for food. It is a start.

More important than even awareness is true healing for the root cause of a need for food to calm, soothe, reward or numb. 

One of the most pervasive root causes for a need to use food subconsciously is unresolved emotional stress and trauma from the past.

This can include:

  • emotional, physical or sexual abuse
  • childhood neglect
  • childhood family dysfunction of any kind from addiction to mental illness of a care taker
  • surviving the trauma of living with an addict and/or narcissist, sociopath, pathological liar
  • unresolved grief
  • unresolved losses
  • unresolved conflicts and negative belief systems that leave one self critical and self abusive
  • the repetition compulsion (a result of trauma in childhood often and how one can abuse oneself without being aware of it)
  • unresolved nutrient deficiencies from past addictive behaviors or current

What happens when we resolve issues of this nature from the past using deep subconscious release tools like expert EFT with the support of a qualified practitioner is the end of addiction as we know it.

Food cravings dissolve because there is no longer any need to comfort, reward or soothe with food to resolve emotional pain or anxiety.

The proof is in the results of people who healed the remaining unconscious emotional stress from the past. Read their stories here.