Menopause signs

What this link means for women and how to get relief. 

Far too many women might be dismissing significant hormone imbalances as menopause signs. There is actually a little-known link between hormone balance, stress and menopause symptoms that can dictate the way the body feels and functions. Many of the changes that women experience during menopause are owed to fluctuating hormone levels in the body. Reduced production of estrogen often creates the most noticeable symptoms. Here’s a glance at some of the common physical symptoms that can result from fluctuating estrogen levels:

  • Impaired sexual function or desire.
  • Hot flashes.
  • Night sweats.
  • Leg cramps.

It is known that estrogen levels generally decline leading up to and during menopause. However, levels actually decline irregularly. That means that a hormone imbalance can create day-to-day unpredictability for a woman who is about to enter or currently going through menopause. This explains why so many women feel different from minute to minute when going through menopause.

The Stress Connection

Many women who are entering or going through menopause experience elevated stress levels. Research shows us that estrogen is tightly linked with the body’s stress response. Unfortunately, estrogen fluctuations can throw off the body’s normal stress response to make it difficult to cope with everyday stressors that were once manageable. Hormonal imbalances are associated with the following menopause signs: 

  • Mood swings.
  • Anxiety.
  • Depression.
  • Sleep disturbances.
  • Reduced energy.
  • Weight gain around the mid-section.
  • Bloating.
  • Digestive problems.
  • Irritability.

It can be easy to get caught up in a struggle of feeling stressed, overwhelmed and prone to burnout when battling fluctuating hormones. The impact that a hormonal imbalance can have on stress levels and mental health is exacerbated by the fact that stress itself can precipitate a hormonal imbalance. A stress hormone called cortisol is created when the adrenal gland uses progesterone to respond to stressful triggers.

Combining a stress-triggered hormonal imbalance with a stress-inducing hormonal imbalance that may occur naturally due to menopause is a real recipe for a mind-and-body emergency. The good news is that more and more healthcare professionals and researchers are now finally understanding the link between hormones, stress and menopause symptoms. There are things women can do to restore balance and continue living life without disruptions to their health, sleep, sex life and ability to function.

A Natural Remedy That Works 

Unfortunately, many women assume that the only option is to simply endure symptoms that diminish the quality of life until the end of menopause. This can cause serious disruptions to life, quality of life and overall health due to the fact that menopause continues for an average of four to five years for most women. Some women actually experience extended symptoms beyond the five-year average. The key to getting the body and mind back in order comes down to restoring hormonal balance.

Women who are struggling with menopause symptoms created by hormonal imbalances are increasingly finding a way to restore balance using something diindolylmethane (DIM) that is found in foods like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower. DIM is a compound that is commonly referred to as a plant indole in its edible form. Unfortunately, simply eating cruciferous vegetables like cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower doesn’t provide the body with the absorbable amounts of DIM needed to balance out hormone levels. However, a supplement called DIM-Evail™ provides 100 milligrams of DIM that can help to balance out the ratio of 2 hydroxy estrogen to 16 hydroxy estrogen in the body.

DIM-Evail™ has been specifically formulated for maximum absorption and bioavailability. In addition, this supplement is formulated to support the healthy balance of testosterone and estrogen, deliver antioxidant properties and help to protect cells from oxidation. It all comes together to help women going through menopause get into a stress-proof, fully balanced state. Menopause symptoms don’t have to take over just when life is getting good. Using a natural compound to restore hormonal balance naturally can help to untangle the link between hormone fluctuations, stress and negative menopause symptoms. Controlling our experience of stress and it’s effects on hormone balance is also key, but as we are addressing this in our lives it is important to be aware of how it effects our physiology. 

The best DIM on the market I have found that works to reduce symptoms long term can be found here.